One word.
Because that’s easy to remember all 365 days of the year.
Not as easy is the choice to live it out. To let it shape your year. To allow it to shape you. But if you’ll let it, your One Word will become the filter through which you see and live your life. It will steer your decisions and guide your steps
-in the company of
-next to, alongside
-in the charge or keeping of
-in support of
-in spite of
-in the same direction as
-so as to be touching or joined to
This year, I will keep my eyes open and I will choose to come alongside others, to anchor with them, to stay nearby.
This year, I will stay true to that which has been put in my charge. I will be thoughtful in my commitments, faithful in my duties, true to my word.
This year, I will look for people and causes that need support and willfully act. If standing with someone means making a statement, so be it. Life is too short and people are too important to worry about what love looks like.
This year, I will no longer try to fade into the scenery. I will not turn my head when confronted with difficulty. Instead, this year, I want to be counted among the broken-hearted, the downcast, the ones that others dismiss. I will not try and pretend that I am not one of them.
This year, I will press on, in spite of my mistakes. I will not let my failings define or constrict me. I will not let them become excuses.
This year, I will, once again, join hands with my beloved and join his gaze. For what Antoine de Saint-Exupery said is true: " does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward in the same direction." I will choose to look forward with him, not around or behind or over.
This year, when given the opportunity, I will choose touch over tension, embracing rather than rejecting, joining in place of separation. I am not an emotional island, nor are the ones I love. I will choose to move towards them, even when it is hard.
I will choose to be with those that are in front of me.