Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Book Spine Poetry

My first foray into the world of Tweetspeak.
I've accepted the invitation to August's themed writing project: found poems around the theme of Rain.
This specific project challenges one to craft a poem using book spines as the prompt.
Below is my own found poem, inspired by books from my own collection.

Here and now
this common ground
is but dust
and to be on this road
is to
journey into the whirlwind

To accept this as our fate
is to etch out stories
in some grand dusty book of days
all the while

that this is not
the amazing grace
that reveals
our true being

is like carrying
water for elephants

It is in
the daily
that we find
the way of the heart


  1. You are a truly amazing writer, Holly. I so enjoy reading your entries. Never stop!

  2. I love this! Really, really fabulous!

    1. So good to see you here again!!!

    2. Holly that was so good. I am impressed with your writing. I didn't know I was related to a famous author. Keep it up girl. You're going places. Love, Lori

  3. I love tweetspeak too, so found your poem there. this is beautiful, tells a story, words flow naturally, which is difficult to do when you're organizing someone else's words. Great job!

    1. Leah,
      Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read. This was my first time following one of the writing prompts and I thought it was such a great way to stretch my brain. Thank you for your kind words.

  4. I really love your poem! This is my first foray into the Tweetspeak themed writing project, too, and it has been so much fun. My poem (which I plan to post on Monday) also features a Henri Nouwen title. :-)
