Thursday, October 4, 2012

My kind of words

My kind of words? 

My words, at all?

These kinds of questions rattle round, loud and clanging, most days. I invest an inordinate amount of time pursuing the answers to them and I have only recently begun to embrace the truth that there even is a "my kind" of anything.

To be a writer is to be both crazed and mystical, inspired and ordinary, loved and hated--and the idea that I would willingly walk into that reality makes me plain out mad, as well.

So why do I do it? Why do I bleed out all over the white space, hanging my canvas out for all the good people to see? Why put out a shingle that claims scribbler as my trade?

Because it is truth.

And even if it is difficult for me to think that anything that I might pen could actually have impact, this much I do know:

If I am not genuine, it is all a worthless endeavor

It is in the becoming that we are known so I have to keep telling. 

I will tell you the story in my kind of words.


  1. "If I am not genuine, it is all a worthless endeavor." This speaks to me, Holly.
    And I think we all have a deep desire and need to be known. I find my mind filled with so many things I want to put down on paper (screen?) but wondering who it is for. This move to TX has changed my audience and made me unsure of what I can say or not say. But I feel like you, "I have to keep telling".
    Thanks for this, Holly. Love you!

  2. Dear Kit,
    I want to hear all of those things taking up space in your mind. I say, always honest, selectively open. But don't let fear hold you back. The world needs your kind of words, my dear.

  3. Good words to mull about this morning as I've been thinking about this very thing, but from a slightly different perspective. I believe my words are genuine, but perhaps I am being disingenuous by hiding them from some people? I share my blog via twitter, but not on facebook. And it's a sort of self-protection, but do I do my harm that way?

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful words with us.

  4. I understand, Brenna. I didn't share my blog on Facebook for a long time. Then, one day, I just realized that I wanted all of those folks to know the all of me. It kind of helped me shape my FB identity in a more fuller way. Does that make sense? I wasn't satisfied to let my status updates be the only thing that shaped me in that space so, one day, I just threw it out there. I still get nervous somedays, but I think that is a good thing.

  5. Oh Holly, oh you. Its your beautiful you that needs to be breathed on paper, because we need and long for the unique and the original. Your art, your heart, your voice. You speak from the fibers of the no one else, but you speak from and for our shared experience as pilgrims too. Both and. Pen from your fingers, scribe from your heart, and we'll always see your art and the heart of Holly. Write on, girl. Write on.

  6. oh, do. :) I sense a good deal of energy in your kind of words :)

  7. beautiful and a bit freeing. here's to both being crazed and mystical, insired and ordinary, loved and hated. indeed.

  8. Elizabeth,
    Your words mean so much to me! I am so thankful to be a pilgrim with you on this journey of scribing our hearts.

  9. L.L.,
    I am so honored that you would stop by this space!Thank you for your kind words.

  10. Kim,
    Thank you and welcome to the world of crazy, mystical, inspired, ordinary, loved and hated pilgrims!

  11. oh if we could live you centered lives and not me centered. The eyes of your heart as always, every time see with a heart for others. I love that you tease out of this word, the fresh new art that you do. Lovely, friend.

  12. Oh Holly, I left the comment in the wrong spot. This is for WELCOME, but then you knew that.:)

  13. No worries. I initially linked my "welcome" post at FMF to a completely different post. Something must be in the air this morning.

  14. Thank you, Elizabeth.

  15. Holly,
    Thank you so much for sharing! I have only just begun this journey of learning to be who I am, and this resonated with me: "crazed and mystical, inspired and ordinary, loved and hated." I feel rather crazed and mystical myself, though truly I am the simple, ordinary "Just Me" girl. Listing of roles is a bit overwhelming at times, so let me just say I have the privilege of caring for 3 'specially wrapped gifts'- my husband and two sons who deal with a myriad of medical issues including type one diabetes, SPD, and PTSD (among others). So writing is what frees... as words pour out, I experience what it is to be loosed, to soar free. This is how I connect with the Wildness of God and the beauty of his created word. This is art, and I pray you will embrace 'your own kind of words', and that learn to grow into mine, as well. I think it's time to leap!

  16. Oh Rebekah, thank you for sharing. Isn't it magical how the unleashing of those words is so transformative? Let's keep exploring who we were created to be, weaving word pictures and art in response to all that we see. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

  17. I knew you would understand, Elora. Thank you.

  18. Oh, I would love to hash this out. I've got a post brewing that I can't get into words now, this tension of writing and kind of hating it. This struck a nerve.

  19. Please, Annie, please, hash it out all over the place.

  20. I love your kind of words. So keep it up. Love you Holly
